So much happened this week and I don't have much time to explain it
all! Here's hoping I can get it all in :) Also, my enter key is
broken, so whenever you see #, that means that it's a new paragraph
#So this week I did 3 language fasts, where I didn't speak any
english. I was great! Really hard, but not for the reason you'd think.
It was hard because people kept looking at me to translate things into
English for them, but I couldn't. I felt bad, but it was more
important for me to not speak English at all than to translate things
(usually for my companion who doesn't speak Spanish that well). # One
day this week while I was fasting I went up to a North American lady
at the church and asked her how I could help clean and the woman
thought I was latin and that I couldn't speak English so she actually
brought someone over to translate! It was real awkward. # The amount
that people think I'm latina is craaaaazy. I counted 5 times this week
that people told me I looked latina. It's ridiculous. One girl said
she thought I was from Honduras until I started speaking Spanish...
ha. So I guess I need to work on my Spanish some more... #This week I
experienced my first earthquake! It's called a temblor or sismo here
because it was pretty small. The earthquake was closer to the border
of Mexico and was a 5.9, but we're a little ways away from it.
Apparently it was felt country-wide! It was kinda fun, but for the
first bit I thought it was because I had been sick and was going to
pass out! #Everyone gets sick around here. I'm on the recovery of my
second bout of a cold. It's a blast. My companion is sick today and so
I've been on splits with other girls in my district, but amazingly, my
comp made a recovery just in time to write her family ;) #GREAT NEWS:
My VISA is in!!! Everyone else in my district has to go get temporary
visas tomorrow but me and my comp! It's a Christmas miracle :) #BAD
NEWS: My debit card doesn't work, so that's really stressing me out. A
lot. It's alright, the Lord will provide a way! #I won't be writing
next week until who knows when because I leave for the field Tuesday
morning. It's a little scary, but I'm ready to be done being sick.
That's really a bummer. #I finally got dear Elders from the middle of
August! I don't know what took them so long to appear, but I got it!
Thanks for your letters :) #Last parting note: I'm really feeling the
temptation to cut my hair. Like real bad. It gets in front of my
nametag all the time and it's heavy as all get out. But I think I'll
just try to get it trimmed and layered and thinned. And if that
doesn't work, I'm chopping it. You've been warned. #That's all for
this week folks. By the time I write you next, I'll be in the field!
Write you on the flipside! #Love, Hermana Weatherford
I know I could have fixed the # issue, but it was kind of cute! And it shows how she's adjusting to the challenges that come her way. As a mother I'm saddened to hear that she's sick. Again. That happened when she was stateside I guess it's just business as usual.
Like you, I will find it hard to get through next Wednesday without an update from Teigen. But, this is why she went to Guatemala. So,
Go Forth with Faith
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