Well, this week has been craaaaaaaaaaazy!
To start out with, we said goodbye to President and Sister
Brough last Wednesday! They won't leave until this Friday morning and our new
president, President Markham takes over! We're all really excited to meet him
and we will have a day to meet him this July 4th!
This last Wednesday I got some GREAT packages in the mail!
Loving all of the junk food and water flavorers and everything! Woohoo!
....so.... big news. while writing this email, I received a call
from my mission president....
I'm going to train.
When a new missionary enters the field they don't know much, and
so their first companion is their trainer! As a trainer I'll have to teach my
companion (I'll be her "mom", she'll be my "daughter")
everything I know! It's going to be hard, but if the Lord thinks I can do it,
He's right!
On to the other news! Yesterday was zone pday, and we had to
wake up at 5 to go an hour and a half on a bus to get there. But the teachers
were going on strike for not getting paid enough. They were standing in the
middle of the road in between Chimaltenango and Patzicia and so NONE of the
buses were passing through! And the ones that did, were too full to fit even a
few mice in! So we stood on the roadside waiting for 2 hours without luck.
(hence the picture of our district being super sad) and then we finally gave up
and went to the church, watched The Testaments and ate pizza.
Today I have divisions! One of my friends from the MTC is coming
here and is going to hang out with me for a day and teach me lots! I'm so
excited :)
That's all for this week! I love you all sooooooooooooo much and
I hope that you can feel that love, even though I'm a little far away ;)
Hermana Weatherford